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Thursday, 17 March 2022 09:39

Website monitoring tool

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The Internet has become one of the pillars of business operations.

 Running a company on the Internet is nowadays something completely normal, as the vast majority of businesses are already online.

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Websites have therefore become virtual business cards and offices that allow customers to quickly get acquainted with the offer and contact the company. This is why proper website security is so crucial.

Website monitoring – keeping a finger on the pulse

A website acts as an information board, therefore its operation must always be reliable. The Internet operates 24 hours a day and it is for this reason that you never know when a given website will have the highest number of visits. It is possible to determine this after a proper analysis of statistics. However, the proper functioning of a website for 24 hours a day is a guarantee that a potential customer will always find there all the most important information. This is especially important for sites that generate new customers and drive business.

This is the reason why website monitoring tools are so popular today. A monitoring tool is an application that allows to constantly monitor the website to make sure it is properly functioning. A website monitoring tool controls the quality of the website and whenever there are any irregularities, it immediately lets you know about it, through a notification, text message or email. This way, the website is constantly protected against unplanned shutdowns.

Why use a website monitoring tool?

Website monitoring tools are an excellent way to constantly supervise the operation of your website. This innovative solution is especially useful for all kinds of online stores, which base their main activity on the website, which must work flawlessly, 24/7. It is especially useful today, in the era of hacker attacks, which can be initiated by unfair competitors.

Monitoring a website is therefore not only important in terms of PR, but also from a purely business perspective. Even a few hours' interruption in the operation of an online store can bring huge losses, so constant monitoring is the only way to ensure security.